Gretta Fenner
Managing Director (2005–2008 and 2011–2024)It is with great sadness that we confirm the tragic death of our Managing Director Gretta Fenner in a car accident.
- See the official message from Peter Maurer, President of the Basel Institute on Governance
- View Gretta's online tribute page, photos and messages of condolence.
Gretta Fenner was the Managing Director of the Basel Institute on Governance and Director of its International Centre for Asset Recovery. She led the organisation from 2005–2008 and from 2011 to April 2024.
Gretta was an internationally known speaker and advisor on anti-corruption, asset recovery, business integrity and broader issues of public governance.
Before joining the Basel Institute, Gretta managed the OECD’s anti-corruption programmes in the Asia-Pacific region.
A political scientist by training, she obtained bachelor's and master's degrees from the Otto-Suhr-Institute at the Freie Universität Berlin and Sciences Po Paris, as well as an MBA from the Curtin University Graduate School of Business, Australia.