Basel STUDY 

 Postgraduate programmes on anti-corruption and asset recovery

Corruption and financial crime undermine the foundations of our societies – from stalling economic growth to eroding public trust. Understanding their dynamics and how to fight them effectively is vital for professionals from any sector and corner of the world.

With this in mind, we offer new advanced qualifications at the Basel Institute.

Our two STUDY programmes are designed to boost the knowledge, skills and careers of professionals who care about countering corruption and financial crime. They both lead to a certificate from the University of Basel.

The courses are led by experts from our team, the University of Basel and our global network. They combine advanced research, real-world insights and practical examples. At every stage, you'll benefit from interactive, flexible learning and hands-on activities, plus valuable peer networking.

Dr Jörg Schmidt

Study Programme Manager

Why STUDY with us?

Benefits for you

  • Balanced mix: Up-to-date knowledge, game-changing skills and networking
  • Instructor excellence: Basel Institute specialists, experts from academia and practice
  • Interdisciplinary: Concepts from relevant disciplines, stakeholders, case experiences
  • Blended learning: Interactive online classes, flexible learning, peer exchange opportunities
  • Directly useful: Apply your knowledge in an individual study project

Academic excellence

Earn an internationally recognised Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) qualification awarded by the University of Basel. Each programme grants 10 ECTS credits (300 hours of work) and includes a Diploma Supplement to document your achievements to education providers and employers.

The qualification is awarded by the University of Basel, one of Switzerland’s top universities with a diverse academic portfolio and students from over 100 countries. We are an Associated Institute of the University and enjoy close collaboration and knowledge exchange.

Interested in our postgraduate programmes but not sure what to expect? Join us for an online information session on 24 April at 15:00 CET. Register here.

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Looking for shorter courses?

Our online learning platform, Basel LEARN, offers free self-paced eLearning courses and other practical resources for law enforcement, anti-money laundering and compliance professionals. It's also our base for virtual delivery of training courses led by our International Centre for Asset Recovery and other teams.