Curbing the risks of and opportunities for corruption in natural disaster situations
This chapter appears in International Law and Standards Applicable in Natural Disaster Situations edited by Erica Harper.
The book aims to stimulate thought and action in relation to establishing human rights frameworks in countries recovering from natural disasters. The authors regard this as essential in order to protect the rights and restore the dignity of the victims of natural disasters. While a substantial body of relevant law exists, the law is only effective if disaster recovery planners and the people working in the field know and understand it. By building legal protections into preparedness and response planning, the recovery timetable can be shortened and order restored more quickly and effectively. At the same time, this process will help to uncover and address systemic injustices that cause continuing poverty and social unrest.
The aim of this chapter by Gretta Fenner and Mirella Mahlstein is to build awareness of the increased and particular corruption risks of natural disaster situations, to illuminate individual risks and respective responsibilities among the different involved actors, and to provide guidance on tools and mechanisms to prevent and detect corruption when it occurs.
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