Don’t let a kleptocrat’s war destroy Ukraine’s reconstruction

Ukraine’s recovery will require billions of dollars – so leaders pledging reconstruction funds need to ensure Ukraine’s anti-corruption defences are up to the task. A joint opinion article by Gretta Fenner, Managing Director, Basel Institute on Governance and Andrii Borovyk, Executive Director, Transparency International Ukraine. View it in Ukrainian here.

Ukraine Recovery Conference: Anti-corruption as a critical condition for sustainable recovery

Monica Guy

Senior Specialist / Team Lead Communications and External Relations
+41 61 205 55 12

These recommendations were issued jointly by the Basel Institute on Governance and Transparency International Ukraine on the occasion of the Ukraine Recovery Conference on 4–5 July 2022 in Lugano, Switzerland.

Applying behaviour change approaches to fight corruption and illegal wildlife trade

Can social norm and behaviour change approaches help to reduce corruption related to illegal wildlife trade (IWT)?

Very possibly. SNBC initiatives have been shown to help combat diverse corruption problems, although for those related to IWT and other areas of conservation and natural resource management, the evidence for doing so is sparse.

National Convention of Prosecutors in Peru celebrates three years of applying its non-conviction based forfeiture law

Peru’s first National Convention of Prosecutors Specialised in Extinción de Dominio brought together 80 prosecutors, lawyers, police officers and other justice practitioners to share experiences on the application of Peru’s extinción de dominio law.

Extinción de dominio is a form of non-conviction based forfeiture (NBCF) law common in Latin America. It allows the State to confiscate illicit assets where a criminal conviction is not possible in relation to the specific crime generating those assets.

Policy Brief 10: Using anti-money laundering frameworks to fight illegal wildlife trade in Uganda

Monica Guy

Senior Specialist / Team Lead Communications and External Relations
+41 61 205 55 12

In February 2020, Uganda made a high-level political commitment to work with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and Eastern and Southern Africa Anti-Money Laundering Group (ESAAMLG) to strengthen the effectiveness of its anti-money laundering (AML) regime. Among other commitments, Uganda undertook to demonstrate that law enforcement agencies and judicial authorities apply the money laundering offence consistent with the identified risks. 

New guidance for governments to engage business in preventing corruption

Companies and business associations play an important role in preventing and reducing corruption in the markets where they operate – something that governments also want to achieve.

So how can governments and the private sector work together better to raise standards of integrity and fair business in specific countries and industries?

To answer this, our Collective Action team has worked with the people on the front lines of governments’ corruption prevent efforts – anti-corruption authorities –  to develop practical guidance with real examples.

Engaging the private sector in Collective Action against corruption

Monica Guy

Senior Specialist / Team Lead Communications and External Relations
+41 61 205 55 12

This practical guide is designed to help governments, and in particular National Anti-Corruption Agencies, engage with the private sector more effectively to prevent corruption.

It explains how governments can engage with the private sector to prevent corruption in three ways:

Quick Guide 26: National money laundering and terrorist financing risk assessments

Monica Guy

Senior Specialist / Team Lead Communications and External Relations
+41 61 205 55 12

This quick guide explains the role of national risk assessments in addressing money laundering and terrorist financing (ML/TF) risks.

It explains how national risk assessments are conducted, challenges in terms of methodology and data availability, and how well countries are doing at performing them.

NRAs are a critical element of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) standards on ML/TF. They also provide data in special reports of the Basel AML Index.

Siemens Integrity Initiative Annual Report 2021

Monica Guy

Senior Specialist / Team Lead Communications and External Relations
+41 61 205 55 12

This Siemens Integrity Initiative Annual Report 2021 gives an overview of Collective Action activities at Siemens.

As of March 2, 2022, the Siemens Integrity Initiative has committed around USD 120 million to 85 projects in more than 50 countries.

This report contains details of the Collective Action Initiatives selected in the Third Funding Round as well as the new Golden Stretch Round.