Basel LEARN: free courses on financial investigation, asset tracing, intelligence gathering and more

Monica Guy

Senior Specialist / Team Lead Communications and External Relations
+41 61 205 55 12

Our online learning platform, Basel LEARN, offers a collection of free self-paced eLearning courses. They are developed to help law enforcement, anti-money laundering and compliance professionals gain new skills to fight financial crime.

The interactive modules help you to “learn by doing” – for example, by completing tasks in a simulated investigation. After successfully completing a course, you will be awarded a Certificate of Completion.

Courses available:

Corruption and Social Norms: A New Arrow in the Quiver

Roberta Diamond

Associate, Communications
+41 61 205 55 11

One key question driving innovations in corruption studies is how anticorruption reforms can be more impactful and sustainable. This is critical to understand due to the detrimental impact of corrupt practices on equality, human rights, peace, and the rule of law. A significant body of research has shown that many anticorruption initiatives do not produce the expected effect, or they achieve results that fade after the intervention ceases.

Continuing education for professionals: help us to meet your needs!

Professionals in anti-corruption, asset recovery, business integrity, governance and related topics need a range of advanced competencies – to master the intricacies of financial investigations, for example, or hone analytical and research capabilities.

At the Basel Institute, we know that much valuable expertise is gained “on the job” through training, mentoring and hands-on experience. Our existing learning opportunities meet these needs and empower communities of international professionals.

What do businesses in Bulgaria say about safeguarding procurement from corruption?

Public procurement is a notorious risk area for corruption and other unfair business practices all over the world – including in Bulgaria, where diverse stakeholders are now coming together to find a practical solution to corruption risks in public tenders that works for all parties.

One solution they are discussing is a High-Level Reporting Mechanism. In essence, this is a channel to raise and quickly resolve alerts about suspected bribery or unfair business practices in public tenders.

Progress in Ukraine’s anti-corruption and judicial reform efforts – update for the Ukraine Recovery Conference 2024

Monica Guy

Senior Specialist / Team Lead Communications and External Relations
+41 61 205 55 12

This document takes stock of recent progress (July 2023 to June 2024) in strengthening Ukraine's anti-corruption ecosystem. It provides an update to a previous report and is published ahead of the Ukraine Recovery Conference in Berlin in June 2024.