Sicily Local Development (Madonie) Integrity Pact

The Madonie Municipalities Union is comprised of 21 cities in Sicily that have come together to undertake a regional development project as part of the National Strategy for Inner Areas (SNAI) called "Resilient Madonie: Laboratory of the future" with significant investment from EU regional funds. The objective of the SNAI rural development strategy focused on energy efficiency, school and education, and welfare for seniors in the Sicilian countryside.

This is one of four Integrity Pacts pursued in Italy as part of the "Safeguarding EU Funds" pilot project.

Last updated: 17.05.2020

This information is gathered from open-source data and in some cases has been provided by initiative facilitators. We cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information and do not take responsibility for decisions made on the basis of it. Please inform us of any errors by emailing us at the contact details on the main database page.

Sybaris Archeological Site Integrity Pact

The Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage is undertaking two major science and tourism projects to research and develop the ancient Greek city of Sybaris that is found in the southern Calabria region of Italy. ActionAid Italy is serving as the civil society monitor to oversee both contracts, initially in collaboration with local citizen groups, Monithon and Gruppo Abele.

This is one of four Integrity Pacts pursued in Italy as part of the "Safeguarding EU Funds" pilot project.

Last updated: 17.05.2020

This information is gathered from open-source data and in some cases has been provided by initiative facilitators. We cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information and do not take responsibility for decisions made on the basis of it. Please inform us of any errors by emailing us at the contact details on the main database page.

Milan Municipality Integrity Pact

The Milan Municipal government was the first public entity to implement Integrity Pacts to oversee public procurement in Italy. The IP experience in Milan is widely seen as successful. Transparency International Italia has monitored the use of IPs in Milan and has demonstrated the following results of their use from 2002 – 2014:

Last updated: 01.03.2021

This information is gathered from open-source data and in some cases has been provided by initiative facilitators. We cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information and do not take responsibility for decisions made on the basis of it. Please inform us of any errors by emailing us at the contact details on the main database page.

Integrity Pacts in Italy - Country Overview

Transparency International Italia first proposed the use of Integrity Pacts to oversee public procurement by the Milan Municipal Government in 2000. In 2001, the Milan Municipality agreed to use IPs in its public contracting. Other Italian municipalities such as Turin, Bergamo, and Monza also adopted Integrity Pacts to monitor public procurement.

Last updated: 27.04.2021

This information is gathered from open-source data and in some cases has been provided by initiative facilitators. We cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information and do not take responsibility for decisions made on the basis of it. Please inform us of any errors by emailing us at the contact details on the main database page.

Tisza-Túr Flood Reservoir Integrity Pact

TI-Hungary signed an IP to monitor the tender and contract execution of the construction of flood reservoirs to prevent against flooding damage in the areas where the Tisza and Túr Rivers converge.

Additional information

  • Procurement authority: General Directorate of Water Management
  • Monitor: Transparency International Hungary
  • Start year: 2016
  • End year: 2021
  • Language: Hungarian
  • Tender value: EUR 89 million

Last updated: 17.05.2020

This information is gathered from open-source data and in some cases has been provided by initiative facilitators. We cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information and do not take responsibility for decisions made on the basis of it. Please inform us of any errors by emailing us at the contact details on the main database page.

M6 Highway Integrity Pact

Hungary's M6 Highway has encountered construction problems due to allegations of corruption over the last decade. TI-Hungary has signed an IP with the National Infrastructure Development company to monitor the tender and contract execution of the extension of the highway to the Croatian border.

This IP is part of the “Integrity Pacts Programme – Safeguarding EU Funds” project funded by the European Commission

Last updated: 17.05.2020

This information is gathered from open-source data and in some cases has been provided by initiative facilitators. We cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information and do not take responsibility for decisions made on the basis of it. Please inform us of any errors by emailing us at the contact details on the main database page.

Ózd Water Supply Rehabilitation Project Integrity Pact

The Municipality of the town of Ózd, Hungary implemented an IP between the bidders, independent monitors, TI-Hungary (serving in an advisory capacity) and the development agency to oversee the tender and contract implementation of the development of the town's water supply infrastructure and distribution systems. The Swiss Development Cooperation Agency covered the costs of monitoring for the IP.

Last updated: 14.05.2020

This information is gathered from open-source data and in some cases has been provided by initiative facilitators. We cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information and do not take responsibility for decisions made on the basis of it. Please inform us of any errors by emailing us at the contact details on the main database page.

Budapest XIII-District Nursery Integrity Pact

TI-Hungary signed an IP with the Municipality of the XII-District of Budapest to monitor the tender and contract implementation of a nursery refurbishment.

Additional information

  • Procurement authority: Municipality of XIII-District of Budapest
  • Monitor: Transparency International Hungary
  • Language: Hungarian
  • Start year: 2013
  • End year: 2014
  • Tender value: EUR 1.3 million

Last updated: 14.05.2020

This information is gathered from open-source data and in some cases has been provided by initiative facilitators. We cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information and do not take responsibility for decisions made on the basis of it. Please inform us of any errors by emailing us at the contact details on the main database page.

Procurement of Computer Workstations Integrity Pact

The Hungarian National Bank was the first public financial institution to use an Integrity Pact. It signed an IP with TI-Hungary to oversee the procurement of taxi services on the one hand, and acquisition of computer workstations on the other.

Additional information

  • Procurement authority: Hungarian National Bank
  • Monitor: Transparency International Hungary
  • Language: Hungarian
  • Start year: 2010
  • End year: 2010

Last updated: 14.05.2020

This information is gathered from open-source data and in some cases has been provided by initiative facilitators. We cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information and do not take responsibility for decisions made on the basis of it. Please inform us of any errors by emailing us at the contact details on the main database page.

Procurement of Taxi Services Integrity Pact

The Hungarian National Bank was the first public financial institution to use an Integrity Pact. It signed an IP with TI-Hungary to oversee the procurement of taxi services on the one hand, and acquisition of computer workstations on the other.

Additional information

  • Procurement authority: Hungarian National Bank
  • Monitor: Transparency International Hungary
  • Language: Hungarian
  • Start year: 2010
  • End year: 2010

Last updated: 14.05.2020

This information is gathered from open-source data and in some cases has been provided by initiative facilitators. We cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information and do not take responsibility for decisions made on the basis of it. Please inform us of any errors by emailing us at the contact details on the main database page.