Mainstreaming Collective Action: Establishing a baseline

This paper sets out why and how Collective Action needs to become a global "norm" in the fight against corruption and an integral part of mainstream anti-corruption efforts. The idea is to ensure that Collective Action is considered in companies' compliance programmes as a risk mitigation tool to analyse and address persistent problems of corruption. The pathway to achieving this is to embed Collective Action as recommendation in international, national and business-relevant standards.

The report: 

  • Describes anti-corruption Collective Action. 
  • Sets out what “mainstreaming” and “creating norms” mean in this context.
  • Presents detailed analysis on the current state of endorsements of anti-corruption Collective Action by relevant bodies, including a selection of national anti-corruption strategies in various countries. 
  • Gives a brief description of the strategy to expand the take-up of Collective Action in such documents and standards.  
Cover page of Collective Action as a Norm Baseline Report
Date published
Basel Institute on Governance