B20 Integrity and Compliance Task Force – Key Reflections and Suggestions from Members

Monica Guy

Senior Specialist / Team Lead Communications and External Relations
+41 61 205 55 12

This two-page compilation of suggestions and recommendations was prepared by a group of B20 Integrity & Compliance Task Force members in 2024.

The document aims to support the incoming G20 and B20 presidencies with some ideas and suggestions. Some of these are specific to the B20 Integrity & Compliance Task Force, while others may be applicable to other B20 Taskforces or the B20 more widely. 

Promoting anti-corruption through the B20 process – new online resource

The Presidency of the G20 rotates each year between member countries, as does the leadership of the B20 – the G20’s voice of business.

The key issue of tackling corruption is picked up almost every year, but not always in the same way or using the same format. This can make it challenging to find historical information including past anti-corruption commitments and related recommendations.

Basel AML Index 2021: 4 things holding back the global fight against money laundering

Released today, the 10th annual edition of the Basel AML Index raises grave questions about whether jurisdictions are serious about tackling their money laundering and terrorist financing (ML/TF) risks, and what is holding them back.

The Basel AML Index is an independent annual ranking that assesses ML/TF threats around the world and the capacity of jurisdictions’ anti-money laundering and counter financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) measures to address their specific risks.

11th Lausanne Seminar spotlights public-private collaboration for asset recovery

See summary report released in December 2021: Boosting Co-operation in Asset Recovery: Exploring the Potential of Private Sector Engagement and Public-Private Collaboration

How can law enforcement agencies, financial intelligence units and private financial institutions such as banks work better together to identify, freeze and confiscate criminal assets?

Case study: Upholding an unexplained wealth judgement in Kenya’s Anglo Leasing affair

This case study examines a 2021 unexplained wealth (illicit enrichment) case in Kenya involving a former Chief Accountant at the Treasury, Patrick Ochieno Abachi.

The case is related to Kenya’s so-called Anglo Leasing scandal, in which 18 high-value government security contracts were allegedly awarded to fictitious companies in the early 2000s. It illustrates one set of circumstances in which civil unexplained wealth (or civil illicit enrichment) legislation can be an extremely useful tool to target assets stolen through corruption.

Annual Report 2020

Monica Guy

Senior Specialist / Team Lead Communications and External Relations
+41 61 205 55 12

Our Annual Report celebrates the achievements of our teams and partners around the world that we are most proud of in 2020. It also reveals some of the challenges we had to overcome, together. There are many of both, and a lot more stories and highlights in between. 

Our various accomplishments in 2020 would not have been possible without the continuous support and efforts from our numerous partners and donors, here and abroad. This is a chance for us to thank them warmly and to demonstrate our collective impact on the fight against corruption around the world.

Annual Report 2020: On fighting the pandemic of corruption

Published today, our Annual Report celebrates the achievements of our teams and partners around the world that we are most proud of in 2020. It also reveals some of the hurdles we were challenged to overcome together. There are many of both, and a lot more stories and highlights in between. 

This year's report offers deep dives into some of our key focus areas.

Collective Action to strengthen integrity in healthcare? Americas Health Ethics Virtual Forum, 17-18 August

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought issues of ethics and business integrity in the healthcare sector into the public spotlight. Citizens everywhere are demanding well-governed, transparent healthcare systems and industries – not only to address the health consequences of the pandemic but as a backbone of resilient and sustainable economic growth.

Indonesians’ attitudes to corruption and the environment – results of new survey released on 18 August

Much has been said about palm oil and its impact on the environment. Major international debates are taking place about the issue, and numerous studies have highlighted the governance weaknesses associated with large-scale plantations.

To gain a better insight into what the Indonesian public thinks about this issue and others relevant to corruption, governance and natural resources, the Basel Institute on Governance and Lembaga Survei Indonesia (LSI), the leading Indonesian pollster, jointly conducted polls and interviews during July 2021.

Developing an ethics and compliance programme for Moscow City Transport organisations and beyond

A new sector-wide integrity programme seeks to transform and harmonise standards of ethics and compliance across all Moscow City Transport organisations.

Alexandr Rusetskiy, a Deputy General Director in the Moscow Directorate of Transport Services, together with Ilsur Akhmetshin of the Compliance-Elements partnership, explain the motivation, approach and challenges in this effort to bring state-of-the-art anti-corruption practices to the sector and beyond.