Basel Institute facilitates new Collective Action initiative for the banknote industry

The Basel Institute has recently been appointed to facilitate a new sector-specific Collective Action initiative for the banknote industry. Initial collaborative discussions on the process forward for this initiative has been on-going for a couple of months. These discussions have laid the necessary consultative foundations for the initiative to fully take off in 2018.

University of Basel conference on Dealing with Allegations of Economic Crime in Arbitration in cooperation with the Basel Institute

Both in investment and in commercial arbitration, it is becoming more and more frequent that a party raises the objection of corruption, money laundering, fraud or bid rigging.

The challenges this presents for arbitrators and parties are considerable and were the topic of a conference organised by the University of Basel in cooperation with the Basel Institute on Governance.

Harnessing social networks for anti-corruption – 2018 OECD Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum

In March experts of the Basel Institute were among the winners of a competitive call for papers in the context of the 2018 OECD Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum in Paris.

In a poster market setting and through a simultaneous TED-talk style research pitch, they interactively presented their paper on the topic of “Harnessing social networks for anti-corruption” at the event.

Participation in SDC’s collaboration with Centres of Expertise in Democratisation, Decentralisation and Local Governance

The Basel Institute has begun work on a mandate for the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) to provide support over a period of four years to the SDC DDLG thematic unit on a variety of good governance and related projects.

This work is conducted through a consortium led by the UK’s Institute for Development Studies (IDS) with the Basel Institute, XImpulse and the Hirondelle Foundation as participating members.

SOAS and Basel Institute receive follow-on research grant from British Academy’s Anti-Corruption Evidence programme

With a follow-on grant from the British Academy’s Anti-Corruption Evidence programme (ACE), funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID), the Basel Institute will pursue a “phase two” research project stemming from the original and completed research study on "Informal Governance and Corruption: Transcending the Principal-Agent and Collective Action Paradigms".

This follow-on project will be led by Dr. Scott Newton of SOAS as Principal Investigator and Dr. Claudia Baez-Camargo of the Basel Institute as Co-Investigator.

Basel Institute presents research findings at Anti-Corruption Evidence award holders event

Dr. Claudia Baez-Camargo, Head of Governance Research at the Basel Institute, presented her team’s findings from its two-year research project on Informal Governance and Corruption: Transcending the Principal-Agent and Collective Action Paradigms at the award holders’ event of the ACE programme at the British Academy in London on 27 February.

Capacity building and technical assistance for better Public Finance Management in Peru

Our Peru office, established in 2016, is working intensively with local authorities at central and subnational level to strengthen Public Financial Management and increase transparency and integrity in the public administration. Building capacity is an important part of this effort, with several recent highlights focused on improving training courses and resources for stakeholders.

Interview with Gemma Aiolfi: How banks can combat financial crime

An interview with Gemma Aiolfi, Head of Compliance, Corporate Governance and Collective Action at the Basel Institute, has been published by KMPG.

The interview – "From the top: effective anti-corruption measures and the need for change" – discusses the challenges facing banks in combating financial crime, including the need for senior management to lead by example.