Basel Institute / GCSP international course on Leadership in Anti-Corruption

The Basel Institute on Governance is partnering with the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) to offer courses on corruption prevention, compliance and related security concerns. The first joint course on "Leadership in Anti-Corruption" will take place on 21-23 March 2016 in Geneva, Switzerland, and is led by Gemma Aiolfi, Head of Corporate Governance and Compliance, and Gretta Fenner, Managing Director.

University of Basel Sociology Seminar: teaching course on Contradictions and Sustainability of Governance

The Basel Institute's Head of Governance Research, Dr Claudia Baez-Camargo, has been able to pass on some of her governance expertise to students of the University of Basel.

In the autumn semester 2015, she co-lectured a weekly course on "Contradictions and Sustainability of Governance" at the Sociology Seminar, building on a case-based, practice-oriented approach.

Supporting the Health For All Programme in Albania

An expert from the Basel Institute's Public Governance Division has provided technical support to the "Health For All Programme (HAP) Albania", led by the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute.

The aim of the programme is to assist Albania with the development of an anti-corruption strategy in association with their efforts at strengthening primary health care in the country.

Follow-up training workshop on Mutual Legal Assistance and Offshore Structures in Kuwait

In 2015, experts from the International Centre for Asset Recovery conducted three training workshops in Kuwait City, as part of a one-year multi-component capacity-building programme for the Kuwait Anti-Corruption Authority (KANCOR). Subjects covered in the three workshops included: "Financial investigations and Asset Recovery", “Corruption in Infrastructure Projects and Procurement”, and “Offshore Structures and Mutual Legal Assistance”.

ICAR reviews its cooperation with Ukraine on asset recovery

In an endeavour to recover assets stolen by former Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych and his close allies, the Ukraine Prosecutor General's Office (PGO) is working closely with ICAR. On 12 November 2015, Basel Institute on Governance Managing Director Gretta Fenner met with Ukraine Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin in Kyiv to take stock of the cooperation between the two bodies and re-confirm their continued commitment to work jointly towards this common goal.

Why is an effective compliance program so important in business? Interview with Laurie Waddy, Head of Group Compliance at LafargeHolcim

Good corporate governance plays an essential role in managing corporate risk. Primarily, it is designed to identify, manage and mitigate the risks that face companies operating in a multitude of countries and cultures. The Basel Institute regularly provides compliance advice to a wide range of industries and companies.