This summary report examines gender-related aspects within the International Centre for Asset Recovery (ICAR) programme in Mozambique as relevant for programme management and delivery. The research also explored potential gender considerations within anti-corruption and asset recovery laws and policies.

The findings and recommendations developing a gender-sensitive framework for technical assistance programmes are relevant beyond the Mozambique case study.

The Basel Institute's technical assistance to the Prosecutor General’s Office in Mozambique will now continue through 2027, thanks to a second-phase agreement with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Mozambique office.

Since 2018, our locally based team has been helping to build the capacity of the Prosecutor General's Office to investigate and prosecute corruption and related financial crimes, as well as to recover stolen assets. Training support was extended to the country’s Criminal Police in 2022. 

O presente Guia de Boas Práticas na Investigação Criminal em Moçambique constitui uma ferramenta essencial no trabalho dos investigadores do Serviço Nacional de Investigação Criminal (SERNIC) e acreditamos ser de elevada utilidade prática para o exercício das actividades funcionais do dia-a-dia deste serviço. Vem acompanhado pelas Leis Orgânicas do Serviço Nacional de Investigação Criminal e do Ministério Público, a Lei n.º 2/2017, de 9 de Janeiro, e a Lei n.º 1/2022, de 12 de Janeiro, respectivamente.

Mozambique faces critical infrastructure challenges – and opportunities – across all areas of its economy.

Yet the type of high-value procurement and infrastructure projects needed to boost development in the country are well known to be vulnerable to corruption. Risk factors include the high complexity, large transactions and multi-party negotiations that require close cooperation between the public and private sectors.

A high-level meeting of heads of anti-corruption agencies in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) last month was a chance to take stock of member countries’ efforts to tackle corruption.

The meeting allowed for a reflection on many ongoing activities and discussions around Collective Action in the region this year. It was the perfect opportunity to reflect on how to galvanise joint efforts against the region’s biggest scourge.

Mozambique is moving towards the introduction of a new civil confiscation law that would enable the forfeiture of proceeds of crime outside of criminal proceedings.

Mozambique’s Minister of Justice, Constitutional and Religious Affairs and Deputy Attorney General co-chaired a high-level international seminar on the topic in the Mozambican capital Maputo on 3–4 July 2023.

This guidance seeks to capture and explore the innovative approaches that African governments have developed to address the demand and supply sides of corruption more effectively and sustainably. It is designed to help government institutions, in particular national anti-corruption agencies, engage with the private sector more effectively to prevent corruption.

Este breve relatório resume as principais recomendações da Conferência de Lisboa sobre o potencial do confisco civil para recuperar bens ilícitos, que teve lugar em Lisboa, Portugal, em 5-7 de Julho de 2022. A conferência reuniu representantes de alto nível de Angola, Cabo Verde, Moçambique e Timor-Leste, juntamente com peritos internacionais.

As recomendações incluem: