Gender and asset recovery: Developing a gender-sensitive framework for asset recovery technical assistance programmes. A case study of Mozambique
This summary report examines gender-related aspects within the International Centre for Asset Recovery (ICAR) programme in Mozambique as relevant for programme management and delivery. The research also explored potential gender considerations within anti-corruption and asset recovery laws and policies.
The findings and recommendations developing a gender-sensitive framework for technical assistance programmes are relevant beyond the Mozambique case study.
About this report
This is an abridged version of an original research report funded by the Embassy of Switzerland in Mozambique. The contents of the research report and this document are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and the official position of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Basel Institute on Governance, U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre or other stakeholders.
Copyright: Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.
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