Multinational companies are no strangers to problems of corruption in their supply chains, which can bring significant legal, financial and reputational risks. Especially when entering new markets, many companies find it difficult to identify credible local partners and to assess their adherence to anti-corruption regulations.

As part of ongoing efforts to support Collective Action initiatives aimed at addressing corruption in particular markets and regions, the Basel Institute launched a Mentoring Programme in January 2022.

Following a comprehensive selection process, we are pleased to announce that six organisations have been selected as mentees in this first cohort:

Our joint chapter in a new book on Perspectives on Antitrust Compliance answers a common question that arises when compliance officers and company lawyers first hear about anti-corruption Collective Action: are there antitrust risks in engaging with other industry players through Collective Action?

The short answer is no. The longer answer is, as we explain in the chapter, “quite the opposite”.

This chapter (26) of Perspectives on Antitrust Compliance covers the scope and purpose of anti-corruption Collective Action and explains why Collective Action and peer collaboration are important in tackling corruption. It then gives practical advice on how to overcome concerns and avoid antitrust risks, including many examples from initiatives around the world.