The training team of the International Centre for Asset Recovery last week delivered an intensive Advanced Operational Analysis training programme to 20 anti-corruption practitioners in Ukraine. This was the first time our ICAR training team has delivered a virtual workshop that involved both complex group work and simultaneous interpreting, and we are pleased to say that it went flawlessly.

How do you carry out training for 5,000+ public officials across Peru during a pandemic? Our local Public Finance Management team explained how they achieved this at the country’s recent National Innovation Week. The answer: social media and asynchronous communication.

Thanks in part to the unconventional use of social networking tools like Facebook and WhatsApp for distance learning, the training initiative is now snowballing. Joint workshops have been taking place with government ministries and civil society organisations across all regions.

The next virtual training workshop on FinTech AML Compliance, delivered jointly by the Basel Institute and law firm MME, will take place on 27–28 October.

It's aimed at FinTech / RegTech managers, policy makers and compliance professionals who want to upgrade their knowledge and skills in anti-money laundering compliance in the world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. 

Join the Basel Institute's Federico Paesano and MME's Chris Gschwend for two days of online interactive classes, case studies and live demos.

Compliance officers and others seeking to protect their organisations from the risks of financial crime related to illegal wildlife trade can now take a free introductory online training programme and gain a certificate.

The ambitiously named "Ending Illegal Wildlife Trade Certificate" focuses on illegal financial flows associated with illegal wildlife trade.

Thirty-three prosecutors, 22 judges and 22 investigators from across Mozambique’s 11 provinces have completed a series of intensive training courses on anti-corruption and asset recovery.

Delivered by the Mozambique team of our International Centre for Asset Recovery, the training sessions took place over three weeks from 17 August to 4 September. Investigators from SERNIC, Mozambique’s National Criminal Investigation Service, joined prosecutors from the Prosecutor General’s Office and judges from across the country.

This week, our team in Mozambique has started a series of virtual training courses for prosecutors, investigators and judges across 11 provinces. Getting to this point has been quite a challenge, as Senior Asset Recovery Specialist Margarida Bandeira de Lima explains below. It shows the vital importance of basic technology in enabling public officials responsible for fighting corruption to do their jobs.