In this article, Juhani Grossmann, IWT Team Leader at the Basel Institute on Governance, explores the role of public-private partnerships in tackling illegal wildlife trade (IWT).

This is the second article in our short series of perspectives on IWT and financial crime, in collaboration with the International Academy of Financial Crime Litigators

Two of the Basel Institute's experts on intelligence and illegal wildlife trade (IWT) will present on how to put an end to wildlife crime as part of the University of Oklahoma's Global Risks & Threats Series.

Among other insights, Dr Timothy Wittig and Dr Patricia Raxter will explain how companies and financial institutions can work together to cut off access to the financial and logistical channels that the traffickers use. 

This special analysis provides a predictive assessment of likely impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on illegal wildlife trade activities, associated risks to transport and finance companies, and possible futures in our response.

It is a United for Wildlife Taskforce report published in partnership with the Basel Institute on Governance.