**Español abajo**

This analysis reveals the challenges that local and regional governments in Peru face in implementing public investment projects such as energy, transport and telecommunications infrastructure.

Its case studies and recommendations will help all those implementing or monitoring public projects to anticipate problems and better achieve objectives.

This guide to managing risks that affect public integrity was developed by Peru’s Secretariat for Public Integrity of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, with technical assistance from the Swiss-funded Subnational Public Finance Management Programme implemented by the Basel Institute on Governance.

The guide seeks to help Peru’s public institutions reduce the risk of corruption and other misconduct, especially in critical areas such as service provision, public procurement and human resources.

Peru’s first National Convention of Prosecutors Specialised in Extinción de Dominio brought together 80 prosecutors, lawyers, police officers and other justice practitioners to share experiences on the application of Peru’s extinción de dominio law.

Extinción de dominio is a form of non-conviction based forfeiture (NBCF) law common in Latin America. It allows the State to confiscate illicit assets where a criminal conviction is not possible in relation to the specific crime generating those assets.

This article is the Basel Institute’s contribution to the Global Forum on Law, Justice and Development Review of Legal Experiences and Global Practices Relating to COVID-19, published in December 2021. The Global Forum is an initiative of The World Bank. The contribution was submitted in July 2020; the version below contains minor updates to hyperlinks.

Peru’s non-conviction based confiscation law is a crucial element in the country’s asset recovery toolkit, emphasised the country’s Special General Public Prosecutor, Dr. Daniel Soria Luján, following a three-day training course for 32 Peruvian prosecutors.

The virtual training was focused on Extinción de dominio, the country's non-conviction based confiscation law, whose implementation the Basel Institute is supporting through technical assistance and capacity building.

How do you carry out training for 5,000+ public officials across Peru during a pandemic? Our local Public Finance Management team explained how they achieved this at the country’s recent National Innovation Week. The answer: social media and asynchronous communication.

Thanks in part to the unconventional use of social networking tools like Facebook and WhatsApp for distance learning, the training initiative is now snowballing. Joint workshops have been taking place with government ministries and civil society organisations across all regions.