H.E. Ambassador Stefan Estermann, Head of the Prosperity and Sustainability Division, Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, made the following opening remarks at our joint virtual side event on Collective Action at the 2021 Special Session of the General Assembly against Corruption (UNGASS) on 2 June. View the full recording of the side event.

Ladies and gentlemen,

On Wednesday, 2 June, we are honoured to be co-hosting a virtual side event at the 2021 Special Session of the General Assembly against Corruption (UNGASS) in collaboration with the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.

Register here for the 60-minute session at 19:00 CET/13:00 EST: Collective Action: Building Efficient Public-Private Partnerships.

Our Collective Action team asked the London-based Institute of Business Ethics how it makes its research so practical and useful to decision-makers on the ground. Head of Research, Guen Dondé, explains:

Since its foundation in 1986, the Institute of Business Ethics (IBE) has always strived to be a safe space for organisations of all kinds to join forces and tackle the ethical issues they are facing.

This report by Transparency International explores why and how a company ought to measure the effectiveness of its approach to anti-corruption. The report analyses what is understood by “measuring effectiveness”, highlights practical considerations, and provides examples of metrics that are proving useful for companies.

Co-developed by the Professionals against Corruption, this bibliography of resources provides professionals in the legal, accounting and property sectors with a repository of knowledge and guidance on issues of integrity, including money laundering and related issues.

The bibliography combines academic articles and legislation with guidance from professional bodies, NGO publications, media coverage and case studies.


IBE Say No Toolkit

The IBE Say No Toolkit is a decision-making tool designed to help organisations support their employees to make the right decision when faced with a difficult situation. Developed by the Institute of Business Ethics, it is available online via a dedicated website or an app. 

The Say No Toolkit provides immediate, practical guidance on a wide range of business issues, including what to do when faced with issues like offers of gifts or hospitality, facilitation payments and conflicts of interest.

This concise brief sets out key considerations for European authorities interested in implementing Integrity Pacts to reduce the likelihood of corruption and fraud in public contracting, as well as improve contracting outcomes and public trust. The sections cover:

  • Benefits of Integrity Pacts
  • What an Integrity Pact entails
  • Getting started with an Integrity Pact

Many of the considerations can also be applied to non-EU contexts. 

Corruption remains high in the region of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Governments have undertaken many reforms to tackle corruption. However, empirical data and perception surveys show a poor enforcement track record and that countries have not fully aligned their laws with the international standards. This report takes stock of the actions that countries in the region took to address corruption since 2016. It identifies progress achieved as well as remaining challenges that require further action by countries.