The Presidency of the G20 rotates each year between member countries, as does the leadership of the B20 – the G20’s voice of business.

The key issue of tackling corruption is picked up almost every year, but not always in the same way or using the same format. This can make it challenging to find historical information including past anti-corruption commitments and related recommendations.

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought issues of ethics and business integrity in the healthcare sector into the public spotlight. Citizens everywhere are demanding well-governed, transparent healthcare systems and industries – not only to address the health consequences of the pandemic but as a backbone of resilient and sustainable economic growth.

A new sector-wide integrity programme seeks to transform and harmonise standards of ethics and compliance across all Moscow City Transport organisations.

Alexandr Rusetskiy, a Deputy General Director in the Moscow Directorate of Transport Services, together with Ilsur Akhmetshin of the Compliance-Elements partnership, explain the motivation, approach and challenges in this effort to bring state-of-the-art anti-corruption practices to the sector and beyond.

The Industry Program for Development of Anti-Corruption Compliance and Business Ethics in Moscow Transport Organizations is a fundamental document according to which the anti-corruption policy of both the entire Moscow transport industry and of specific organizations within its structure is implemented.

This Siemens Integrity Initiative Annual Report 2020 gives an overview of Collective Action activities at Siemens.

As of March 2, 2021, around USD 98,5 million has been committed to 77 projects in more than 40 countries under the Siemens Integrity Initiative First, Second and Third Funding Rounds.

This report contains details of the Collective Action Initiatives selected in the Siemens Integrity Initiative Third Funding Round and looks forward to the final phase of the initiative, the Golden Stretch Round.

How do illegal wildlife products, live animals, exotic marine species and illegally logged timber end up in stores, zoos, aquariums and homes on the other side of the world?

Too easily, is the answer. Weaknesses in global supply chains make them vulnerable to exploitation by organised crime groups and bad actors working in legitimate businesses. Corruption opens the door to that exploitation. And the easy possibilities for laundering money from environmental crimes makes this illicit activity attractive to criminals around the world.

Uniting against Corruption: A Playbook on Anti-Corruption Collective Action was developed as part of the UN Global Compact multi-year project Scaling up Anti-Corruption Collective Action within Global Compact Local Networks.

With the six-step approach and deep dives on key roles throughout the Collective Action process, the Playbook enables readers to make a clear diagnosis of their local corruption landscape, identify and engage stakeholders and apply the Collective Action methodology to address identified corruption challenges and mitigate potential business risks.

The Basel Institute on Governance and the Thai Institute of Directors (IOD), in conjunction with the Thai Private Sector Collective Action Against Corruption (Thai CAC), have today signed a Memorandum of Understanding to jointly support the promotion of anti-corruption compliance.

The agreement covers the launch of a pilot project that aims to encourage the local certification of anti-corruption compliance programmes in SMEs, while alleviating the due diligence burden on multi-national companies.

This is the draft Political Declaration of the 2021 Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly Against Corruption, titled Our common commitment to effectively addressing challenges and implementing measures to prevent and combat corruption and strengthen international cooperation.

Of note is item 13 under Preventive measures, which endorses Collective Action with the public and private sectors in the fight against corruption: