Green Corruption programme launches 5-year partnership with USAID Indonesia Integrity Initiative

The Basel Institute's Green Corruption programme has recently launched a five-year partnership with the USAID Indonesia Integrity Initiative (USAID INTEGRITAS) project in Indonesia.
The project is a new, USD 9.9 million USAID initiative implemented by a consortium of NGOs led by KEMITRAAN (Partnership for Governance Reform). Other partners include Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) and Transparency International Indonesia (TI-Indonesia). USAID and the Basel Institute have cooperated with the Government of Indonesia on combating corruption for over a decade.
The Basel Institute's Green Corruption programme Team Leader, Juhani Grossmann, noted:
"It is a great pleasure to be back in Indonesia, working with a 'dream team' of partners to jointly tackle one of the most complex issues of our times: environmental corruption."
KEMITRAAN Executive Director, Laode Muhammad Syarif, said:
“We are excited about the consortium we have put together for this work, drawing upon our own experience and the work of our outstanding partners ICW and TI-Indonesia on the domestic front, combined with the international expertise of the team at the Basel Institute. We are optimistic about the changes we can achieve over the next five years by bringing our collective expertise to bear, in cooperation with key government institutions involved in corruption prevention efforts.”
The project will focus on preventing corruption in the environmental field, both in the public and private sectors, through a dual-tracked approach of systems strengthening and public engagement. It seeks to improve transparency, reduce conflicts of interest and promote accountability.
The Basel Institute's Collective Action, Public Governance and Green Corruption teams will support the consortium members, the Government of Indonesia and private and state-owned enterprises (SOEs). The scope covers improving integrity systems in government agencies and SOEs, developing targeted anti-corruption public education strategies, and supporting private-sector and multi-stakeholder Collective Action efforts in the environmental sector.