Anti-corruption prosecutors under attack: a CoSP9 event

Monica Guy

Senior Specialist / Team Lead Communications and External Relations
+41 61 205 55 12

Anti-corruption prosecutors are under attack everywhere. They are threatened, exposed to undue influence or hindered by abusive defence strategies.

At a special event at the Conference of the States Parties to the UN Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) in 2021, a panel of international experts discussed measures that different stakeholders must take to protect prosecutors, and by extension protect the Convention.

Collective Action: Building efficient public-private partnerships – an UNGASS side event

Monica Guy

Senior Specialist / Team Lead Communications and External Relations
+41 61 205 55 12

This virtual side event at the 2021 Special Session of the General Assembly against Corruption (UNGASS) explored the scope and possibilities of anti-corruption Collective Action, which the UNGASS Political Declaration 2021 recommends and encourages.

What does Collective Action mean for governments, companies and citizens? Does it work in practice? Is it an efficient way for the public and private sectors to partner? What benefits can it bring? 

Social norm and behaviour change approaches to address corruption and tackle illegal wildlife trade

Monica Guy

Senior Specialist / Team Lead Communications and External Relations
+41 61 205 55 12

Can social norm and behaviour change approaches help to reduce corruption related to illegal wildlife trade (IWT)? Very possibly. SNBC initiatives have been shown to help combat diverse corruption problems, although for those related to IWT and other areas of conservation and natural resource management, the evidence for doing so is sparse.

Ukraine Recovery Conference: side event on anti-corruption

Monica Guy

Senior Specialist / Team Lead Communications and External Relations
+41 61 205 55 12

This side event at the Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC2022) focused on ways to ensure an inclusive reconstruction process, including civil society's role in the recovery and reconstruction.

It was organised by Transparency International Ukraine and the Basel Institute on Governance, which jointly issued anti-corruption recommendations during the conference.

Lisbon Conference 2022 - Strengthening non-conviction based forfeiture for asset recovery

Monica Guy

Senior Specialist / Team Lead Communications and External Relations
+41 61 205 55 12

The Lisbon Conference on 5-7 July 2022 saw high-level representatives from Lusophone countries, including Angola, Cape Verde, Mozambique and Timor-Leste, come together with international experts. Together, they explored non-conviction based forfeiture (NCBF) laws – mechanisms to seize and confiscate proceeds of corruption and other crimes when a criminal conviction is not possible.

Anti-corruption Collective Action: Mainstreaming multi-stakeholder approaches for integrity and fair business

Monica Guy

Senior Specialist / Team Lead Communications and External Relations
+41 61 205 55 12

The rapid expansion of anti-corruption Collective Action is offering businesses, governments and civil society groups powerful ways to enhance business integrity and create fair business conditions. What does Collective Action look like in practice? What benefits does it bring, what is success, and how do you measure it? And what should we expect from each other in these multi-stakeholder initiatives?

6th Global Conference on Criminal Finances and Cryptocurrencies

Monica Guy

Senior Specialist / Team Lead Communications and External Relations
+41 61 205 55 12

This two-day hybrid conference gathered thousands of crypto specialists and financial investigators from law enforcement, regulators and the private sector.

The conference was hosted by Europol at its headquarters in The Hague, the Netherlands, together with the Basel Institute on Governance through the Joint Working Group on Criminal Finances and Cryptocurrencies.

Basel Gold Day II

Monica Guy

Senior Specialist / Team Lead Communications and External Relations
+41 61 205 55 12

The second edition of Basel Gold Day, held at the University of Basel, brought together leading voices from across the gold supply chain and civil society.

The panel discussions explored various problematic aspects of the gold industry, with a focus on recycled gold.

Asset recovery developments since the start of the war in Ukraine – an #IACC2022 panel

Monica Guy

Senior Specialist / Team Lead Communications and External Relations
+41 61 205 55 12

This session at the 2022 International Anti-Corruption Conference aimed to generate a realistic understanding of existing options for recovering assets frozen under sanctions related to the war in Ukraine. It also sought to identify and promote new instruments that countries could introduce for this purpose, thereby contributing to the global effort to accelerate asset recovery and push boundaries of current practice.

European Commission’s new anti-corruption handbook endorses Collective Action

The European Commission has issued a strong endorsement of anti-corruption Collective Action as a “best practice” in the fight against corruption.

Its Handbook of good practices in the fight against corruption explains how Collective Action can bring together “stakeholders in the private and public sectors, civil society, and international organisations to tackle shared problems of corruption and raise integrity standards."