Basel AML Index 2023: Snapshot of money laundering risks and trends (The Academy Bulletin)
In an article published in the Fall issue of the Bulletin of The International Academy of Financial Crime Litigators, Kateryna Boguslavska provides a snapshot of recent money laundering risks and trends as revealed by the Basel AML Index 2023.
Why are governments so challenged to implement financial sanctions? How are terrorist groups able to receive the financing to launch horrific attacks – why weren’t these transfers detected and halted? What is happening with cryptocurrencies? And why are less than one percent of illicit financial flows estimated to be intercepted and recovered?
This is the second issue of the Bulletin of the International Academy of Financial Crime Litigators. It has been established to transmit the work of Academy Fellows, draw attention to matters of importance to the legal community and provide high-level analysis of cutting-edge issues in global financial crime investigations and litigation. The Basel Institute on Governance acts as Secretariat to the Academy.
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