Third workshop in financial investigation and asset recovery in Bhutan

In the context of the Swiss-Bhutanese cooperation framework (“DG and Democratic Governance Programme”), which seeks to consolidate Bhutan’s democratic institutions and practices, ICAR delivered a further five-day training workshop in financial investigation and asset recovery to 28 experts from the Judiciary, Office of the Attorney General, Anti-Corruption Commission, Royal Bhutan Police, Drug Regulatory Authority, Department of Revenue and Custom, Bhutan National Legal Institute, the Royal Insurance Corporation of Bhutan and the Royal Audit Authority.

Financial investigation and asset recovery training in Ukraine

Mandated by the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine to assist with tracing and recovering assets stolen by the former Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych and his inner circle, and with funding from the local office of the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation (SDC), ICAR conducted a five-day training workshop in financial investigation and asset recovery for the National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine in Kyiv from 19 to 23 January 2015.

Basel Institute joins Adam Smith International in five-year anti-corruption project in Uganda

The Basel Institute is partnering with Adams Smith International (ASI), Integrity Action and other expert organisations to implement a five-year multi-component anti-corruption project in Uganda ("Strengthening Uganda's Anti-Corruption and Accountability Regime Anti-Corruption Chain”) funded by the UK Department for International Development.

The Basel Institute’s primary role will focus on providing technical support and legal advice to Uganda’s local anti-corruption authorities on matters related to asset recovery.

ICCA hosts third session of the Africa Roundtable

In mid June the ICCA of the Basel Institute hosted the third session of the Africa Roundtable. Companies from a variety of industries discussed the options that Bilateral Investment Treaties present for the private sector and the pros and cons of using arbitration to address the unfair treatment of business in certain countries.

The next meeting will be scheduled in the third quarter of 2015.

Fostering cooperation in corruption prevention at OSCE Seminar in Moldova

The ICCA was invited to take part in an OSCE seminar on "fostering co-operation in corruption prevention between government and the private sector" in Chisinau, Moldova from 28-30 April.

The event brought together over 50 senior and mid-level anti-corruption professionals from Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus, experts from international organizations, Europe and the United States, to address co-operation in corruption prevention between government and the private sector. 

Participation in 5th International Ethics Summit in Istanbul

The Basel Institute supported the 5th International Ethics Summit ‘Understanding Today, Inspiring Tomorrow’, hosted by the Turkish organisation TEID in Istanbul on 17 June 2015.

The conference was dedicated to discussing how concepts such as responsible citizenship, sustainable production, innovation, ethics and reputation can be integrated into a successful company alongside making profits for shareholders.

Pilot e-learning course on Strategical Analysis introduced at Egmont's 23rd Plenary Meeting

In a joint effort with the Egmont Group of Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs), ICAR has developed a new e-learning course for FIUs on analysing suspicious transaction reports (STRs). The course covers all stages from risk assessment of STRs, through planning and collection of information, to analysis and dissemination of intelligence to law enforcement agencies.

ICCA presents at the 16th International Anti-Corruption Conference in Malaysia

The ICCA was represented in panel discussions during two Game Changer sessions at the September 2015 edition of the International Anti- Corruption Conference (IACC) in Malaysia.

The first session addressed efforts from the private sector to promote transparency and integrity, with a focus on Latin America and the Caribbean. The High Level Reporting Mechanism experiences in Colombia were highlighted in this regard.