Gold Laundering – why I decided to tackle the gold trade and human rights

Gold Laundering – the dirty secrets of the gold trade and how to clean up is the latest book by Professor Mark Pieth, President of the Basel Institute on Governance. Published by Salis Verlag in English and German, Gold Laundering looks at how the global gold market works, its fundamental role in shaping economic and political history, and its relation to human rights violations, environmental destruction, corruption and other major problems.

Gold Laundering: the dirty secrets of the gold trade – and how to clean up

Monica Guy

Senior Specialist / Team Lead Communications and External Relations
+41 61 205 55 12

In this eye-opening book, Mark Pieth gives an in-depth insight into how the global gold market works, what role Switzerland plays in it, where the hidden abuses lie and how human rights in the gold industry can be protected in a credible way.

Threat Finance

Monica Guy

Senior Specialist / Team Lead Communications and External Relations
+41 61 205 55 12

From the Taliban in Southwest Asia to al Shabaab in the Horn of Africa to drug-trafficking organizations in Mexico, the behavior, capabilities, and ultimate success or failure of terrorist, criminal, and other transnational threats are closely tied to economic and financial factors.

A Social Model of Conservation to Fight Wildlife Trafficking: What Conservationists Can Learn from Public Health

Monica Guy

Senior Specialist / Team Lead Communications and External Relations
+41 61 205 55 12

The key determinants of whether particular species and ecosystems will live or die today are social factors – criminal behavior, political corruption, consumer behavior, land use decisions, cultural norms and practices, individual psychology, conflict, poverty, local livelihood choices, socio-economic inequalities, et al. But despite recognizing that our current biodiversity catastrophe has human, social roots, conservationists and environmentalists have yet to translate such consensus into action to save wildlife and the natural environment on a wide scale. 

Poaching, Wildlife Trafficking and Organised Crime

Monica Guy

Senior Specialist / Team Lead Communications and External Relations
+41 61 205 55 12

One of the most serious security threats posed by poaching and wildlife trafficking may also be one of the least well documented: their relationship with organised crime.

To shed light on the subject, this chapter analyses the most common narratives on the link between poaching, wildlife trafficking and organised crime – and the security threat this link poses in African source and transit countries.

Terrorism, Conflict, and Ivory Trafficking: Myth & Reality

Monica Guy

Senior Specialist / Team Lead Communications and External Relations
+41 61 205 55 12

The relationship between conflict and terrorism and ivory trafficking is often poorly understood.

This article examines some of the realties underpinning this relationship, and calls for greater cross-sector cooperation in responses to ivory trafficking.

Understanding Terrorist Finance

Monica Guy

Senior Specialist / Team Lead Communications and External Relations
+41 61 205 55 12

Understanding Terrorist Finance provides powerful new insights into the financial and economic realities of terrorist groups.  Dispelling popular myths, the book presents the first unified coherent framework for the systematic analysis of terrorist finance and includes empirical studies of the financing of groups in Europe, Africa, South Asia, and the Middle East. 

Lineage Associations and Informal Politics: Mapping Leadership in Kyrgyzstan

Monica Guy

Senior Specialist / Team Lead Communications and External Relations
+41 61 205 55 12

This article results from the project on Informal governance and corruption - Transcending the Principal Agent and Collective Action Paradigms, funded by the British Academy-DFID Anti-Corruption Evidence (ACE) programme.

The author's aim in this project was to explore local patterns of informality in Kyrgyzstan in order to understand how relations of power and influence are organised in daily life.

New Working Paper: Regulating cryptocurrencies - challenges & considerations

We have just published our 28th Working Paper on a topic that is concerning AML, FinTech and RegTech professionals, finance professionals and law enforcement agencies worldwide - as well as ordinary citizens who wish to take advantage of new payment methods.

The topic? Regulating cryptocurrencies: challenges and considerations.

Working Paper 28: Regulating cryptocurrencies: challenges and considerations

Monica Guy

Senior Specialist / Team Lead Communications and External Relations
+41 61 205 55 12

Cryptocurrency regulations are developing fast. Across the world, authorities are reacting to the emerging threat posed by criminals using new payment methods to conceal and launder the proceeds of their crimes.

However, as the application of anti-money laundering/combating the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) due diligence requirements becomes stricter and more entities implement preventative measures, criminals are constantly looking elsewhere for potential havens for their illicit activities.