Cryptolaundering: anti-money laundering regulation of virtual currency exchanges

Monica Guy

Senior Specialist / Team Lead Communications and External Relations
+41 61 205 55 12

This paper discusses anti- money laundering regulation for virtual currency intermediaries, by showcasing and comparing regulatory models at the national and international levels. 

ICAR training: Mutual Legal Assistance and the use of offshore structures to conceal beneficial ownership of illicit assets

During 14–18 October 2019, experts from the International Centre for Asset Recovery (ICAR) conducted a 5-day training workshop in Jakarta, Indonesia as part of USAID CEGAH’s on-going programming with KPK (Corruption Eradication Commission), Office of the Attorney-General (AGO) and Ministry of Law and Human Rights relating to beneficial ownership.

G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group on transparency and accountability in asset return

What are best practices to promote transparency and accountability in the return of stolen assets?

This was the focus of a side event of the G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group on 9 October 2019 at the OECD headquarters in Paris. The event gathered authorities and experts from the G20 countries plus international organisations including the World Bank and United Nations.

Anti-corruption certification to ease due diligence? Zurich roundtable on 19 November

Does your company do business in emerging markets? Wouldn’t it be helpful if you could really rely on the certification of a local business partner in those markets?

If you know you can trust the certifier and the certification process, due diligence will be quicker and easier - at least in theory.

The Basel Institute's International Centre for Collective Action is launching an innovative project to explore certification and its role in anti-corruption due diligence.