Collaboration to address bribery and corruption challenges

During his former position as Compliance Operations Manager at LafargeHolcim, compliance and communications professional Kyle Lewis worked closely with the Basel Institute on developing a new open-source search tool to help compliance officers spot and analyse links between individuals, organisations and criminal activities. He kindly provided this testimonial for the Basel Institute's Annual Report 2018.

Basel AML Index 2019: Too little progress – are AML systems effective?

Falling rankings in the Basel AML Index, released today, show how many countries’ AML systems are a weak defence against today’s money laundering risks.

Ineffective anti-money laundering and counter financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) systems and lack of transparency are leaving the door open to increasingly sophisticated money laundering schemes.

Untangling the complex puzzle of corruption, tax crime and organised crime

Lise Stensrud, Policy Director Anti-Corruption at the Norwegian Development Cooperation Agency (Norad), explains the four challenges in "following the money" to tackle corruption, tax evasion and organised crime. Norad has recently become a core donor of the Basel Institute's International Centre for Asset Recovery, joining the UK, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Jersey.

Peru’s Ministry of Energy and Mines develops Code of Conduct based on guidelines by the SECO-funded Subnational PFM Programme

The Basel Institute congratulates the Peruvian Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM) on the launch of its comprehensive Code of Ethics and Conduct for Staff.

Adopted on 2 August 2019, the document was developed according to guidelines published by the Basel Institute’s Peru team in the context of the Swiss SECO-funded Public Finance Management (PFM) strengthening programme.

Un caso histórico de recuperación de activos pone a prueba la legislación peruana de Extinción de Dominio

Perú ejecutará sentencia de Extinción de Dominio (decomiso sin condena) de cuenta del complejo Montesinos en el Gran Ducado de Luxemburgo.

Los procesos de recuperación de activos suponen largos periodos de espera e inactividad durante los cuales el operador de justicia no puede mostrar resultados concretos, particularmente cuando el objetivo es recuperar activos disimulados en centros financieros internacionales a través de la cooperación internacional en materia penal.