Center of Public Procedures, Business against Corruption

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Last updated: 13.05.2020

This information is gathered from open-source data and in some cases has been provided by initiative facilitators. We cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information and do not take responsibility for decisions made on the basis of it. Please inform us of any errors by emailing us at the contact details on the main database page.

Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN)

The Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN) is a global business network working towards its vision of a maritime industry free of corruption that enables fair trade to the benefit of society at large.

MACN Members promote good corporate practice in the maritime industry for tackling bribes, facilitation payments, and other forms of corruption. They do this by adopting the MACN Anti-Corruption Principles, communicating progress on implementation, sharing best practices, and creating awareness of industry challenges.

Last updated: 12.09.2020

This information is gathered from open-source data and in some cases has been provided by initiative facilitators. We cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information and do not take responsibility for decisions made on the basis of it. Please inform us of any errors by emailing us at the contact details on the main database page.

Etik ve İtibar Derneği (TEİD) – Turkish Ethics and Reputation Society

Etik ve İtibar Derneği (TEİD) is a cross-sectoral Collective Action initiative that seeks to develop and encourage adherence to universally recognised business ethics principles, and to disseminate them within the Turkish business environment.

Membership in the initiative is achieved by becoming a corporate member of TEİD. This way, the association holds the members accountable to the principles to which they have committed. The ethics board of TEİD serves as the oversight committee.

Last updated: 21.10.2020

This information is gathered from open-source data and in some cases has been provided by initiative facilitators. We cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information and do not take responsibility for decisions made on the basis of it. Please inform us of any errors by emailing us at the contact details on the main database page.

International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), Commission on Corporate Responsibility and Anti-Corruption

The ICC Commission on Corporate Responsibility and Anti-corruption is a leading global private sector body that develops policy recommendations and practical tools on corporate responsibility and fighting corruption.

The Commission brings together over 250 members from 40 countries, representing multinationals, banks, law firms, trade associations and SMEs. Members actively shape policy work through an exchange of experience and know-how to develop a “one-stop-shop” for businesses of all sizes looking to strengthen their CSR performance.

Last updated: 13.05.2020

This information is gathered from open-source data and in some cases has been provided by initiative facilitators. We cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information and do not take responsibility for decisions made on the basis of it. Please inform us of any errors by emailing us at the contact details on the main database page.

Collective Action Agreement to Promote Integrity in the Legal Professions

This initiative brings together in-house lawyers from Argentina and seeks to promote integrity, transparency and compliance with the rule of law in the legal professions.

Last updated: 07.05.2020

This information is gathered from open-source data and in some cases has been provided by initiative facilitators. We cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information and do not take responsibility for decisions made on the basis of it. Please inform us of any errors by emailing us at the contact details on the main database page.

Coalition Against Corruption (CAC)

This initiative brings together members from academia, the business sector, civil society organisations, and the Church in their fight against corruption.

Its mission is to implement and support anti-corruption projects in the area of procurement reforms and the delivery of essential public services. This initiative has set out two main goals: 

Last updated: 13.05.2020

This information is gathered from open-source data and in some cases has been provided by initiative facilitators. We cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information and do not take responsibility for decisions made on the basis of it. Please inform us of any errors by emailing us at the contact details on the main database page.

The Hanoi Principles: For Voluntary Codes of Business Ethics in the Construction and Engineering Sector

The Hanoi Principles are a set of business ethics principles and implementation guidelines for the engineering and construction sector in the APEC region. In cooperation with the U.S Department of Commerce, and under the auspices of the the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Ministerial Working Group, Fluor led the effort to develop the Hanoi Principles.

Last updated: 13.05.2020

This information is gathered from open-source data and in some cases has been provided by initiative facilitators. We cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information and do not take responsibility for decisions made on the basis of it. Please inform us of any errors by emailing us at the contact details on the main database page.

The Pact for Integrity and Transparency in Business in Romania

This initiative seeks to promote an ethical business model in Romania that contributes to inclusive economic development and to effectively build credibility in the local business environment.

Member companies of the Pact for Integrity and Transparency in Business in Romania seek to contribute to creating a culture of integrity and transparency by restoring and strengthening the system of values and principles of Romanian society on the following foundations:

Last updated: 13.05.2020

This information is gathered from open-source data and in some cases has been provided by initiative facilitators. We cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information and do not take responsibility for decisions made on the basis of it. Please inform us of any errors by emailing us at the contact details on the main database page.

International Forum on Business Ethical Conduct for the Aerospace and Defence Industry (IFBEC)

This initiative provides an opportunity to exchange information on best practices in the area of ethical business practices and global trends among participants in the defence and aerospace industry.

Last updated: 13.05.2020

This information is gathered from open-source data and in some cases has been provided by initiative facilitators. We cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information and do not take responsibility for decisions made on the basis of it. Please inform us of any errors by emailing us at the contact details on the main database page.

Aerospace and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD) Common Industry Standards

This initiative provides principles and guidelines to its members to help in the prevention of corruption in day-to-day business. The goal of this initiative is to develop common industry standards to be applied across Europe in the aerospace and defence industry. These Common Industry Standards are a set of business ethics requirements that assist European companies in implementing integrity programs. Highlights:

Last updated: 13.05.2020

This information is gathered from open-source data and in some cases has been provided by initiative facilitators. We cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information and do not take responsibility for decisions made on the basis of it. Please inform us of any errors by emailing us at the contact details on the main database page.