Four graduates of our successful train-the-trainer programme have delivered high-impact training to over 300 law enforcement professionals in Tanzania and Zanzibar over the last year.

Between them, the trainers – themselves anti-corruption practitioners – have delivered multiple intensive training seminars and introductory courses on financial investigation, anti-money laundering, asset recovery and mutual legal assistance.

Peruvian prosecutors in the city of Trujillo have received innovative hands-on training in Asset Recovery via the Mechanism of Expired Ownership ("extinción de dominio" in Spanish). The training was aimed at prosecutors specialised in cases of corruption and money laundering. It was carried out with the support of the Swiss SECO-funded Subnational PFM programme implemented by the Basel Institute’s office in Lima and the Basel Institute's International Centre for Asset Recovery (ICAR) training division.

Corruption is one of the endemic evils in today’s world. The phenomenon has negative impacts on world poverty, democratic governance, progress and development. According to the World Bank, USD 20 to 40 billion is lost annually by developing nations because of corruption. With the adoption of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC), the international community aims at setting up a comprehensive global framework to contain and ultimately lower significantly the levels of corruption worldwide.