The Subnational Public Finance Management Programme in Peru, in collaboration with the government of Peru’s La Libertad region and local government of the city of Trujillo, held an international seminar in February 2019 on “Sewing prosperity: Public Finance Management challenges in the north Peruvian macro-region.”

The seminar was an opportunity for reflection and exchange for the subnational governments of Peru's northern macro-region that underwent Public Finance Management evaluations in 2016–2018. 

Peruvian prosecutors in the city of Trujillo have received innovative hands-on training in Asset Recovery via the Mechanism of Expired Ownership ("extinción de dominio" in Spanish). The training was aimed at prosecutors specialised in cases of corruption and money laundering. It was carried out with the support of the Swiss SECO-funded Subnational PFM programme implemented by the Basel Institute’s office in Lima and the Basel Institute's International Centre for Asset Recovery (ICAR) training division.

Peru’s National Assembly of Regional Governments (ANGR), with support from the SECO-funded Subnational PFM programme implemented by the Basel Institute’s office in Lima, has organised a successful first meeting of the country’s current regional governors and those newly elected to govern for the period 2019–2022.

These Public Expenditure and Accountability (PEFA) evaluation reports are the results of a joint project carried out by evaluators, authorities and regional government officials to systematically measure the quality of public finance management in different regions of Peru.

The quality control process followed for the preparation of this report complies with all the requirements of the Secretariat for the Public Expenditure and Accountability Program (PEFA) in Peru. 

Public Finance Management in Peru

Public finance management is essential to Peru, according to "Public Finance Management in Peru: Evaluation report on PEFA evaluations carried out in 10 subnational governments".

This publication was developed in the context of the Subnational Public Finance Management Strengthening Programme in Peru, funded by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs of Switzerland (SECO) and implemented by the Basel Institute on Governance through its Peru office.