Free virtual course on open government in Peru

The Basel Institute's Peru team is launching a new free virtual course in open government. Running from 3 June to 30 June 2019, the four online modules cover:
- Basic concepts of open government (see introductory YouTube video)
- Transparency (video)
- Access to public information (video)
- Citizen participation and accountability (video)
The course is in Spanish and focused on Peru's institutions and recent initiatives to improve public financial management and open government.
It was developed as part of our multi-year Subnational Public Finance Management Strengthening programme funded by SECO's Swiss Cooperation in Peru. The modules have been reviewed and approved by Peru's relevant institutions, including the National Authority for Transparency and Access to Public Information of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, the Public Management Secretariat of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers; and the Ombudsman's Office.