This guidebook provides information on the recent legal developments, voluntary initiatives, and emerging best practices in the areas of encouraging reporting, making disclosures and protecting staff who are prepared to speak up when malpractice occurs within a company. The term “whistleblowing” has been avoided in this publication as it has developed negative connotations in some countries and is associated with the act of reporting to external authorities or media, without prior warning given to senior management.

This guide is designed to help companies meet the legal, competitive, economic and ethical challenges posed by corruption as they do business around the world. Information in this Guide is intended for use by business but may also be of interest to governments and other organizations concerned about reducing corruption.

The Basel Institute is delighted about and welcomes the Wolfsberg Group's endorsement of the United for Wildlife Financial Taskforce Mansion House Declaration. This is a significant step in gaining the active support of the financial sector in combating the multibillion-dollar illegal wildlife trade.

The Basel Institute is the implementing partner of the intelligence-sharing mechanism of the United for Wildlife Financial Taskforce, a groundbreaking initiative of the Royal Foundation.

Following several corruption scandals that occurred in 2013 and 2014 in the procurement and construction processes of EXPO2015 Milano, the President of ANAC (Autoritá Nationale Anticorruzione – National Anti-corruption Authority of Italy) was committed functions of supervision and guarantee of the fairness and transparency of the procurement procedures related to the implementation of the event in June 2014. As part of this assignment in July 2014 ANAC established a special operational unit (UOS) to monitor the projects of the EXPO 2015.