The Basel Institute on Governance and the Peruvian Judiciary organized a training seminar on anti-corruption and asset recovery aimed at building capacity in innovative methods to fight cross border corruption. The four day training is the first of a series of capacity building events requested by the Peruvian authorities and was delivered to the recently installed unit of judges specialized in corruption of public officials, created by the judicial authorities to deal with the Odebrecht scandal.

On 28 April, Kenya's Attorney General’s Office and the Swiss Federal Office of Justice signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on international mutual assistance in criminal matters in Nairobi. The MOU will facilitate the cooperation between the two countries in investigating and prosecuting international corruption and other financial crimes.

Windward Trading, a company registered in Jersey, pleaded guilty yesterday, on 24 February 2016, to four counts of money laundering at Jersey's Royal Court. A confiscation order was granted amounting to GBP 3.6 million and discussions are underway between the Government of Kenya, Jersey authorities and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the United Kingdom as to the repatriation of these assets.

In order to tackle the widespread corruption in Bulgaria, the Centre for the Study of Democracy, a Bulgarian inter-disciplinary public policy institute, has partnered with the Basel Institute to provide technical assistance, under the Bulgarian Thematic Fund Security Project “Overcoming institutional capacity gaps to counter corruption and organized crime in Bulgaria”.

At an event in London co-hosted by the Basel Institute on Governance and Chatham House on Monday 10 July 2017, panelists from Jersey, Kenya, Nigeria and the UK agreed that partnership, understanding each other’s systems and procedures, and informal communication between requesting and requested states is critical to successfully recover stolen public funds internationally.

Between January and September 2017, ICAR experts conducted a series of Train-The-Trainer (TTT) workshops for the Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB) in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The aim of this training programme is to teach local practitioners the relevant tools and strategy approaches to better investigate and prosecute grand corruption and money laundering cases.

At the recent closure of the International Centre for Asset Recovery (ICAR) fourth workshop in Bhutan, the Honourable Commissioner of the Anti-Corruption Bureau of Bhutan, Karma Damcho Nidup, emphasised the fact that corruption was not only the purview of the ACC: “It is our collective problem. We need to find collective solutions and we need to address it collectively.”