Joint training workshop for prosecutors and investigators on proceeds of crime and money laundering in Swaziland

In the context of the International Centre for Asset Recovery’s (ICAR) ongoing partnership with the Asset Recovery Inter-Agency Network of South Africa (ARINSA) and the United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime (UNODC) to strengthen the capacities of partner countries to conduct investigations, trace and recover stolen assets emanating from money laundering and similar offences, ICAR, together with ARINSA and the Government of Swaziland conducted a further joint workshop for prosecutors and investigators on proceeds of crime and money laundering.
The workshop was held from 16 to 20 March in Mbabane, Swaziland. Some 40 participants from a number of relevant government agencies of Swaziland attended the workshop and trained in the context of interactive practical training sessions applying potentially real-life case scenarios.