Boosting Co-operation in Asset Recovery: Exploring the Potential of Private Sector Engagement and Public-Private Collaboration
This summary report emerges from the 11th edition of the Lausanne Seminar, held on 2–3 September 2021.
The 11th Lausanne Seminar raised awareness of recent innovations with regard to the use of public-private collaboration to achieve asset recovery outcomes, providing participants with insights and tools for the development of public-private financial information-sharing partnerships in their respective jurisdictions.
This summary also compiles insights identified during the Seminar on:
- how to address or resolve challenges to effective cross-border asset identification, freeze and confiscation,
- leveraging advances in public-private collaboration
- opportunities for greater cooperation between FISPs (partnerships of financial institutions, Financial Intelligence Units and law enforcement agencies).
The report is a joint publication by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs – Directorate of International Law together with the International Centre for Asset Recovery (ICAR) at the Basel Institute on Governance and the World Bank/UNODC Stolen Asset Recovery (StAR) Initiative. The event was supported by the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) ‘Future of Financial Intelligence Sharing’ (FFIS) research programme.