Paris Arbitration and Crime Conference: Interplay between Arbitration and State Justice

Monica Guy

Senior Specialist / Team Lead Communications and External Relations
+41 61 205 55 12

This 7th annual gathering of leading arbitrators, lawyers, forensics and academics will focus on the interplay between arbitration and state justice in cases involving criminal conduct such as corruption, fraud, money laundering or bid rigging.

The one-day conference will take place at Sciences Po Law School, Paris, on 26 April 2024. Space is limited and pre-registration is required. 

OECD Integrity Week and Global Anti-Corruption and Integrity Forum (GACIF)

Monica Guy

Senior Specialist / Team Lead Communications and External Relations
+41 61 205 55 12

The Basel Institute is pleased to be a Knowledge Partner to 2024 OECD Global Anti-Corruption and Integrity Forum. Members of our Private Sector team will be present during the Forum and entire OECD Integrity Week.

Look out for:

Sticks and carrots: New UN Resolution calls on governments to provide incentives for companies to implement anti-corruption measures

Business integrity was among the priority topics at the 10th session of the Conference of the States Parties (CoSP) to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) in December 2023. For the first time ever, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) together with the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) hosted a Private Sector Forum in the margins of CoSP10.

The U.S. role in illicit financial flows related to environmental crimes in the Amazon – Follow-the-Money Working Group

Roberta Diamond

Associate, Communications
+41 61 205 55 11

At the second public Follow-the-Money Working Group meeting for 2024, Ian Gary and Julia Yansura of the FACT Coalition will talk about the United States' role in tackling illicit financial flows related to environmental crimes in the Amazon.

The meeting will be held on Zoom in English with simultaneous interpretation in Spanish and French. It is open to current members of the Countering Environmental Corruption Practitioners Forum and its Follow-the-Money Working Group, as well as those potentially interested in joining.