This in-person event with the Ethics and Compliance Switzerland Working Group on Anti-Bribery and Corruption looks at the topic of Green Corruption.
Leading lights in the field of anti-corruption Collective Action held an online discussion on practical integrity tools and how to use them effectively to advance anti-corruption initiatives with the private sector.
The webinar featured:
13:00–13:15: Welcoming remarks and launch of the Basel Institute eLearning course on Collective Action – Scarlet Wannenwetsch, Senior Collective Action Specialist, Basel Institute on Governance
We are delighted that anti-corruption Collective Action with the private sector, government and civil society is included as a strategic priority in the Joint Communiqué of the 21st International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) High-Level Segment in Vilnius, Lithuania.
An interview with Nicola Bonucci by Lucie Binder, with input from Mirella Mahlstein and Anna Stransky.
Integrated Mindset in Practice: Professional Accountants in Business and Anti-Corruption Compliance
This joint report from the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) and the Basel Institute on Governance explores the concept of the "integrated mindset" – i.e. considering financial and sustainability-related information about a company holistically and in an integrated way.
The Basel Institute’s President Peter Maurer opened the 5th International Collective Action Conference on 24 June 2024 with an inspiring keynote speech about global challenges related to corruption and the role of Collective Action in addressing them.
Gemma Aiolfi led the Basel Institute’s Compliance and Collective Action work for many years, working closely with our late Managing Director Gretta Fenner as well as our former President Mark Pieth to transform private-sector engagement in the fight against corruption.
Congratulations to the winners of the 2024 Anti-Corruption Collective Action Awards, presented by the Basel Institute on Governance with the support of the Siemens Integrity Initiative.
Public procurement is a notorious risk area for corruption and other unfair business practices all over the world – including in Bulgaria, where diverse stakeholders are now coming together to find a practical solution to corruption risks in public tenders that works for all parties.
One solution they are discussing is a High-Level Reporting Mechanism. In essence, this is a channel to raise and quickly resolve alerts about suspected bribery or unfair business practices in public tenders.