09. September 2024

Building a community of professionals dedicated to anti-corruption Collective Action

Oscar Caipo Ricci

By Oscar Caipo Ricci, President of the Empresarios por la Integridad initiative in Peru. The initiative is a member of the Basel Institute's Mentoring Programme and recently became the national hub of Alliance for Integrity in Peru.

Speaking at the Basel Institute’s International Collective Action Conference on 25–26 June 2024, Oscar highlighted the value of building a community of professionals dedicated to anti-corruption Collective Action.

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“What is the value of building a community of professionals dedicated to anti-corruption Collective Action?

I think first, not to feel alone: that we are together in this fight.

Second, that we have a lot to learn from each other.

Problems of corruption are often similar. They are not exactly the same – there are cultural differences – but the problem is very similar and we usually work alone to develop solutions.

So it is great to be part of a larger community where we can interchange experiences and best practices, and be there to offer support when somebody calls to ask about a certain topic.”

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