Este documento de trabajo analiza cuatro Pactos de Integridad en España implementados entre abril de 2017 y enero de 2019. Basándose en el análisis, ofrece recomendaciones específicas para medir y mejorar el impacto de los Pactos de Integridad, especialmente para lograr cambios a largo plazo.


Enhancing the impact of Integrity Pacts in public procurement: an analysis from Spain‘s experience

In this short video, Gabriel Cifuentes, former Secretary of Transparency in the Office of the President in Colombia, talks about his experience in implementing the second High Level Reporting Mechanism (HLRM) to ensure a clean procurement process for the construction of the Bogotá Metro.

This collection of short cases on corruption in the infrastructure and urban development industries illustrates key operational challenges companies may face and how organizations can respond.

The report is part of the Building Foundations Against Corruption project, which aims to foster CEO and government collaboration to build a framework for open and transparent business practices.

This publication was produced by the World Economic Forum in collaboration with Deloitte.

As integrity risks exist throughout the public procurement process, a holistic approach for risk mitigation and corruption prevention is needed. Focusing integrity measures solely on one step in the process may increase risks in other stages. Similarly, addressing only one type of risks may give leeway to integrity violations through other mechanisms. For example, administrative compliance measures in the bidding phase do not root out the risk for political interference in the identification of needs.

Public procurement is a place where governments and companies used to be alone, and where citizens are increasingly present. Examining the rules under which governments acquire goods and services is fundamental to determine how transparent and competitive governments are when purchasing with taxpayer money. Transparent procurement increases social and consumer welfare, it ensures sound national and local government budgeting, stimulates an economy based on innovation, and strengthens democratic governance

The Integrity Pact (IP) is a powerful tool developed by Transparency International (TI) to help governments, businesses and civil society fight corruption in public contracting. It consists of a process that includes an agreement between a government or government agency (‘the authority’) and all bidders for a public sector contract, setting out rights and obligations to the effect that neither side will pay, offer, demand or accept bribes; nor will bidders collude with competitors to obtain the contract, or bribe representatives of the authority while carrying it out.

This report discusses the different contexts and processes through which a High Level Reporting Mechanism (HLRM) has been designed and implemented in Colombia, Ukraine, Panama and Argentina, as well as initial interest in the HLRM model in Peru.

Its aim is to understand the specificities of each case and draw lessons applicable to future projects in other countries, whilst respecting the commitment to develop an HLRM that takes account of the specific country’s context.