Este documento de trabajo analiza cuatro Pactos de Integridad en España implementados entre abril de 2017 y enero de 2019. Basándose en el análisis, ofrece recomendaciones específicas para medir y mejorar el impacto de los Pactos de Integridad, especialmente para lograr cambios a largo plazo.


Enhancing the impact of Integrity Pacts in public procurement: an analysis from Spain‘s experience

This Toolkit evaluates foreign bribery and corruption risks for small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and offers an awareness-raising toolkit on the importance of adopting anti-corruption measures. Based on data collected through research, interviews with SMEs, business organisations and legal professionals in countries Party to the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention and others, the toolkit presents initiatives that will enable governments, business organisations and large companies to better support SMEs in preventing and fighting foreign bribery and corruption.

“Collective action and meaningful engagement with local and international civil society organisations, business, professional associations, and international organisations also may help enterprises to better design and implement effective enterprise anti-corruption policies and mitigate corruption risks one enterprise cannot mitigate individually.”

This preliminary study on corruption risks in infrastructure sector provides an overview of the current legal framework and corruption risks in the infrastructure sector in Indonesia, and offers recommendations for addressing these risks, with a focus on Collective Action as a potential solution.

This publication from the Wolfsberg Group is designed to provide guidance to the financial services industry on how to develop, implement, and maintain an effective Anti-Bribery & Corruption (ABC) Compliance Programme, and should be read in conjunction with applicable legislation, regulation, and guidance issued by authorities in the jurisdictions in which a financial institution conducts business. The overall objective of the Guidance is to promote a culture of ethical business practices and compliance with ABC legal and regulatory requirements.