A medida que ampliamos nuestros esfuerzos para apoyar la Acción Colectiva contra la corrupción en América Latina, Andrea Prieto, especialista en el sector privado, hace un balance de las iniciativas existentes en la región. Ella y representantes de algunas de las iniciativas discutieron el enfoque de Acción Colectiva para combatir la corrupción en Lima, Perú, en la Octava Semana de la Integridad organizada por Alliance for Integrity.

As we expand our efforts to support Collective Action against corruption in Latin America, Private Sector Specialist Andrea Prieto takes stock of existing initiatives in the region. She and representatives from some of the initiatives discussed the Collective Action approach to fighting corruption in Lima, Peru at the Eighth Integrity Week organised by Alliance for Integrity.

We are pleased to see States embracing the business community in corruption prevention activities in Africa. At a recent anti-corruption conference in Rabat, a new declaration emphasised the importance of the "involvement of all stakeholders, with a shared vision and an action based on collective mobilisation…”. This language underlies the Collective Action approach that we at the Basel Institute have long promoted to increase standards of integrity and fair business around the world.

A high-level meeting of heads of anti-corruption agencies in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) last month was a chance to take stock of member countries’ efforts to tackle corruption.

The meeting allowed for a reflection on many ongoing activities and discussions around Collective Action in the region this year. It was the perfect opportunity to reflect on how to galvanise joint efforts against the region’s biggest scourge.

This publication forms part of the ‘Enabling Business Networks in ASEAN to Combat Corruption’ Project implemented by the ASEAN CSR Network (ACN) and funded by the United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Office (UK FCO). It provides an overview and analysis of anti-corruption Collective Action case studies in the ASEAN region. 



The world is facing a pivotal moment of urgent global challenges for development. It is critical for the World Bank to remain vigilant against corruption in the projects it finances. This report documents how the offices of the World Bank’s sanctions system worked in FY23 to help ensure that the Banks’s funds are used in a transparent and accountable manner and only for their intended purposes. It particularly highlights the importance of collective action efforts to overcome corruption. 

This manual has been developed to help compliance officers in Croatian and Serbian State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) to introduce or strengthen their company’s anti-corruption programmes. It is designed as a practical, easy-to-reference tool offering a variety of practices that an SOE could consider implementing, such as Collective Action, which can be a highly effective way for SOEs to fight corruption and foster integrity.