09. October 2024

Sustaining the momentum of the Siemens Integrity Initiative

Shawn Teixeira, Head of the Siemens Integrity Initiative

Shawn Teixeira became Head of the Siemens Integrity Initiative in 2024, having worked tirelessly together with Sabine Zindera over many years in the oversight of 85 projects in over 50 countries with around USD 120 million in committed funding. Under their leadership, the Siemens Integrity Initiative has been a driving force in the growth and evolution of anti-corruption Collective Action.

Speaking at the 5th International Collective Action Conference in Basel, held with the support of Siemens, Shawn reflects on what has made him most proud of the Collective Action community that has arisen over the last 15 years:

“The Siemens Integrity Initiative over the last 15 years has engaged and capacitated a global community of passionate and committed anti-corruption experts.

Through Collective Action, these have significantly advanced the anti-corruption agenda by raising awareness, creating guidelines and instruments, promoting policy reforms, and educating and training champions.

The accomplishments are far reaching. But in an ever-changing global context, there is much still to be done and the work is not over.

I very much look forward to continuing the engagement with this anti-corruption community through Collective Action and particularly through the Siemens Integrity Initiative.”

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