An interview with Martin Benderson by Nicolas Hocq.

Maritime corruption poses significant challenges to global trade, inflating costs, delaying operations and undermining integrity in supply chains. The Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN), a leading international Collective Action initiative, has been at the forefront of addressing these issues through collaboration with governments, businesses and civil society.

The 5th International Collective Action Conference represented another significant milestone in the development of responsible and ethical business practices through anti-corruption Collective Action. 

The conference, hosted by the Basel Institute with the support of the Siemens Integrity Initiative, took place on 24 and 25 June 2024 in Basel, Switzerland. This short conference report presents main insights, quotes as well as infographics and graphic recordings from the two-day event, which welcomed around 200 people from around the world and across all sectors.

This Policy Paper was prepared by the B20 Brazil Integrity and Compliance Task Force. In this document, B20 members call for stronger actions from the G20 in 3 key areas:

- Recommendation 1: Encourage the implementation of integrity and anti-corruption measures to enhance responsible and sustainable governance in business.

- Recommendation 2: Stimulate Collective Action, engaging the Public Sector and value chains to uphold integrity.

- Recommendation 3: Promote ethical leadership to foster inclusive growth.

Shawn Teixeira became Head of the Siemens Integrity Initiative in 2024, having worked tirelessly together with Sabine Zindera over many years in the oversight of 85 projects in over 50 countries with around USD 120 million in committed funding. Under their leadership, the Siemens Integrity Initiative has been a driving force in the growth and evolution of anti-corruption Collective Action.

As Chair of the Steering Committee of the Alliance for Integrity and Head of Compliance of Metro AG, Anke Struckmeier-Eickenberg has rich experience and deep insights to share with the Collective Action community.

At the 5th International Collective Action Conference in Basel, she responded to a question about how can engaging in anti-corruption Collective Action initiatives help companies to navigate complex regulation and stakeholder expectations:

By Salifu Koray, Chief Revenue Officer, Ghana Revenue Authority

Speaking at the Basel Institute’s International Collective Action Conference on 25–26 June 2024, Salifu Koray explained how the Ghana Revenue Authority was engaging in Collective Action through a World Customs Organization programme. The Anti-Corruption and Integrity Programme aims to restrict corrupt behaviour and promote good governance in customs operations and administration in Ghana and seven other countries.