

The MedKompas initiative of POLMED has focused on fighting corruption and raising the importance of compliance in healthcare systems in Poland since 2010. POLMED believes that if the gap between the legislation and people’s values and social norms is too large, then even the most restrictive legal regulations will not help to fight corruption. This is why the activities are geared towards shaping ethical values in the public and private healthcare sectors.

During the MedKompas II project, POLMED:

Maala concentrated its efforts on promoting and encouraging a culture of ethics and integrity in the Israeli business community. Rather than treating ethics and integrity as only a technical compliance issue, it was approached more comprehensively as a human-behaviour and corporate culture issue in order to bring about behavioural change.

Main activities:

The Hanoi Principles are a set of business ethics principles and implementation guidelines for the engineering and construction sector in the APEC region. In cooperation with the U.S Department of Commerce, and under the auspices of the the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Ministerial Working Group, Fluor led the effort to develop the Hanoi Principles.