Informe de sistematización de las evaluaciones bajo metodología PEFA realizadas a 10 gobiernos subnacionales

La Gestión de las Finanzas Públicas (GFP) es un elemento clave en el manejo fiscal de cualquier país. Una gestión adecuada permite no sólo mantener cuentas públicas sostenibles que faciliten la preservación del equilibrio macroeconómico, sino que incide directamente en la cobertura y calidad de los servicios que presta el Estado a través de un gasto eficiente y eficaz.

The Basel Institute on Governance welcomes the recent decisions by courts in Luxembourg and Switzerland to return almost USD 17 million to Peru in cases related to the regime of former Peruvian President Fujimori. We congratulate the involved authorities in Peru, Luxembourg and Switzerland for the successful conclusion of these 15-year old cases. We are honoured to have been able to support this successful outcome.

The Basel Institute on Governance and the Peruvian Judiciary organized a training seminar on anti-corruption and asset recovery aimed at building capacity in innovative methods to fight cross border corruption. The four day training is the first of a series of capacity building events requested by the Peruvian authorities and was delivered to the recently installed unit of judges specialized in corruption of public officials, created by the judicial authorities to deal with the Odebrecht scandal.

This report discusses the different contexts and processes through which a High Level Reporting Mechanism (HLRM) has been designed and implemented in Colombia, Ukraine, Panama and Argentina, as well as initial interest in the HLRM model in Peru.

Its aim is to understand the specificities of each case and draw lessons applicable to future projects in other countries, whilst respecting the commitment to develop an HLRM that takes account of the specific country’s context. 

This paper looks at the use of proceeds of asset recovered from Sani Abacha, Vladimir Montesinos, and Ferdinand Marcos and their families. It will also briefly address a much more recent case involving Kazakhstan.

Repatriation of stolen monies makes available additional resources for development activities. The challenge is to ensure efficient, accountable and transparent use of such assets, given states may lack capacity or political will and that corruption may be prevalent at various levels of government.

Promising young researcher Stefan Mbiyavanga has been selected to present his latest work at the OECD Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum on 20 and 21 March 2019. 

Stefan's application was among the top 10 of 146 entries to the OECD's Youth ResearchEdge Competition, which provides a platform for young researchers to present fresh insights and evidence on corruption-related topics.

Swiss authorities have executed an extrajudicial agreement signed between Peru and Montesinos' frontman.

Peruvian authorities and Víctor Venero Garrido, the main frontman of former presidential advisor Vladimiro Montesinos, signed an out-of-court settlement to return approximately USD 15 million from Switzerland to Peru. The money comes from corrupt dealings during the 1990s and the case has lasted 17 years. This is the third and largest of the five accounts located in Switzerland whose assets will be returned to Peru.