ICAR hosts International Experts Workshop on Returning Stolen Assets

On 24-25 October 2013, in coordination with the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, the International Centre for Asset Recovery organised and hosted a two-day workshop on the topic of "Returning Stolen Assets." The workshop took place in Küsnacht (Zürich), Switzerland.
The workshop is the first in a series of workshops focusing on the return of stolen assets. More than 30 participants from requesting and requested countries from around the world attended this year’s workshop with the aim to share and discuss their experiences with mechanisms applied in the repatriation of stolen assets that have successfully been traced and recovered.
Presentations and discussions focused on past experiences and future considerations for increasingly closing the gaps between international standards and current practices. Key issues discussed in this context included, notably, transparency, end use, and the role of different stakeholder groups.
As a background document to the workshop, a report was prepared on four asset recovery case studies in Peru, Nigeria, Kazakhstan and Angola.