7th Basel Arbitration and Crime Conference
This 7th annual gathering of leading arbitrators, lawyers, forensics and academics at the University of Basel will advance discussions on how the arbitration community can better address allegations of corruption or money laundering in relation to underlying disputes.
This will be a practical conference, focused on a draft update of the 2019 Toolkit for Arbitrators: Corruption and Money Laundering in International Arbitration that will be circulated to participants in advance.
The conference is organised by the Arbitration and Crime Competence Centre led by Professor Mark Pieth and Dr Kathrin Betz, with the support of the Basel Institute on Governance, the International Academy of Financial Crime Litigators and the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law.
This is an in-person conference only. Registered participants are invited to a pre-conference dinner on 9 January. Spaces are limited: please register as early as possible or by 23 December 2024 at the latest.