Basel Institute presents its current anti-corruption research at University College London

On 17 March 2016, the Basel Institute’s Head of Public Governance (Research) Division, Dr. Claudia Baez-Camargo, presented her paper ‘Where does informality stop and corruption begin? Informal governance and public/private crossover in Mexico, Russia and Tanzania.’ This research study was presented as part of the seminar series ‘Innovation in Corruption Studies in Europe and beyond’ by Alena Ledeneva, Professor of Politics and Society at University College London’s School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES), in preparation for the launch of a special issue of the 'Slavonic and East European Review' (SEER) edited by Professor Ledeneva.
The seminar series is focused on highlighting the work of the ANTICORRP project at UCL SSEES and seeks to forge links with the wider academic and non-academic anti-corruption community.
On the same day, Dr. Claudia Baez-Camargo spoke at the launch event, also at UCL, for the Global Atlas of Social and Cultural Complexity, the first multimedia online resource for under-researched practices that are often seen as non-transparent or hidden to an outsider. The Atlas will include entries from the academic and the non-academic world, and will be edited by Professor Alena Ledeneva.