On 11 September 2023, the Basel Institute on Governance in partnership with WWF-Ukraine will host an online event on safeguarding Ukraine’s forests and the challenges of countering environmental corruption during wartime. All are welcome to attend the online meeting, which will have English-Ukrainian simultaneous interpretation.

On the agenda:

Senior representatives of the U.S., Ukrainian and Liechtenstein Governments are gathering at the Wilson Center in Washington, D.C. on 19 September 2023 for a high-level panel on tackling the “Green Corruption” that is destroying our environment. The 1.5-hour event is co-organised by the Embassy of the Principality of Liechtenstein to the U.S., the U.S. Department of State, the Wilson Center and the Basel Institute on Governance.

Senior representatives of the United States, Ukrainian and Liechtenstein Governments are gathering at the Wilson Center in Washington, D.C. on 19 September 2023 for a high-level panel on tackling the “Green Corruption” that is destroying our environment.

The 1.5-hour event is a unique chance to find out how those at the forefront of fighting corruption and illicit financial flows approach financial crimes linked to environmental degradation. 

Speakers include:

**Українська версія нижче**

On 11 September 2023, the Basel Institute on Governance in partnership with WWF-Ukraine will host an online event on safeguarding Ukraine’s forests and the challenges of countering environmental corruption during wartime. All are welcome to attend the online meeting, which will have English-Ukrainian simultaneous interpretation.

On the agenda:

The San Martín region of northern Peru is known for its Amazon rainforest and rich biodiversity. To protect these, the regional authorities have recently agreed an action plan to reduce corruption risks in the timber trade, which is an important local source of livelihoods.

The action plan is based on principles of integrity and transparency and takes into account Peruvian laws and regulations such as the General Guidelines to Implement Internal Control Systems and Recommendations for the Management of Risks Affecting Public Integrity.

In this monthly meeting of the Follow-the-Money Working Group, Jessica Graham of JG Global Advisory will share insights on using “crime script analysis” in financial crimes related to wildlife trafficking. 

Crime script analysis is a powerful tool that allows us to understand the complete sequence of decisions and actions leading up to, during and after a crime. By identifying the players involved at each step and describing their tasks, skills and tools, we can gain valuable insights into the dynamics of wildlife trafficking and related financial crimes.

Ukraine’s Restoration is primarily about recovering from the immense human suffering and destruction to infrastructure and the natural environment the war has caused. But the Restoration, which has already begun, also offers a chance for Ukraine to advance towards a climate-neutral and nature-positive future in line with EU ambitions and international obligations. For that to happen, we need to expand the tide of governance reforms currently swelling in the Restoration process to also cover environmental governance.