Experts from the Public Governance Division visited Peru in early March in support of the Basel Institute’s SECO-funded programme “Programa GFP Subnacional”. By working with Peruvian regional and municipal governments to strengthen public finance management processes, this programme contributes to improve the quality of public services and promotes the ability of local government actors to prevent, detect and investigate acts of corruption. 

Our Peru office, established in 2016, is working intensively with local authorities at central and subnational level to strengthen Public Financial Management and increase transparency and integrity in the public administration. Building capacity is an important part of this effort, with several recent highlights focused on improving training courses and resources for stakeholders.

Informe de sistematización de las evaluaciones bajo metodología PEFA realizadas a 10 gobiernos subnacionales

La Gestión de las Finanzas Públicas (GFP) es un elemento clave en el manejo fiscal de cualquier país. Una gestión adecuada permite no sólo mantener cuentas públicas sostenibles que faciliten la preservación del equilibrio macroeconómico, sino que incide directamente en la cobertura y calidad de los servicios que presta el Estado a través de un gasto eficiente y eficaz.

The Basel Institute on Governance is further strengthening its global reputation for independent and practice-oriented expertise in asset recovery. On March 29, Gretta Fenner, Managing Director the Basel Institute, signed an agreement of cooperation with Ecuador’s Attorney General. The objective of the collaboration is to assist and support the Attorney General’s Office in identifying, locating, seizing and repatriating illicit assets arising from acts of corruption or the laundering of assets to the detriment of the Ecuadorian State.

The Basel Institute on Governance congratulates the Peruvian judiciary in confiscating a Luxembourg bank account belonging to James Stone Cohen, the former arms dealer of convicted Peruvian politician Vladimiro Montesinos. The International Centre for Asset Recovery (ICAR), working through the Basel Institute’s country office in Peru, is proud to have assisted with the process.