A Basel Institute delegation is at the 10th Conference of the States Parties (CoSP) to the UN Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) this year. CoSP10 takes place in Atlanta, Georgia, USA from 11–15 December 2023.

Come and find us at our info booth on the third floor, where we'll have staff to answer your questions and free publications and tote bags to take away.

Our fifth Communication on Engagement to the United Nations Global Compact details our support over the last two years for the UN Global Compact and its results.

Non-business participants, including the Basel Institute, submit the CoE every two years. 

Prepared by our Collective Action team, our 2023 submission is available on the UN Global Compact website and by following the link below.

Dernièrement, l'Afrique de l'Ouest a connu une forte croissance économique et des investissements directs étrangers. Pourtant, elle perd aussi des milliards de dollars en flux financiers illicites, dont la corruption est une composante majeure. L'éradication de la corruption est essentielle pour attirer les investisseurs et favoriser le développement durable.

This comprehensive guide helps companies address the challenges posed by new legislation and increasing public expectations regarding global supply chain responsibilities. It offers practical insights to efficiently restructure existing approaches and build on risk management processes, emphasizing integrity, environmental protection, and human rights. By adopting the strategies outlined in this guide, companies can enhance their supply chain practices and promote responsible conduct within their organizations and among their global suppliers.

Ce guide a pour but de mettre en valeur et d’explorer les approches innovantes que les gouvernements africains ont développées pour s’attaquer à la corruption de manière plus efficace et durable.

Ce guide a été conçu afin d’aider les institutions gouvernementales, en particulier les agences nationales de lutte contre la corruption, à coopérer plus efficacement avec le secteur privé pour prévenir la corruption. 

The Basel Institute on Governance will host the Asia-Pacific Anti-Corruption Collective Action Forum in Manila, Philippines, on 25 September 2023. 

Building on our international series of Collective Action conferences, this in-person event will bring together professionals from across the region to discuss anti-corruption initiatives and share best practices.

Este documento de trabajo analiza cuatro Pactos de Integridad en España implementados entre abril de 2017 y enero de 2019. Basándose en el análisis, ofrece recomendaciones específicas para medir y mejorar el impacto de los Pactos de Integridad, especialmente para lograr cambios a largo plazo.


Enhancing the impact of Integrity Pacts in public procurement: an analysis from Spain‘s experience

“Collective action and meaningful engagement with local and international civil society organisations, business, professional associations, and international organisations also may help enterprises to better design and implement effective enterprise anti-corruption policies and mitigate corruption risks one enterprise cannot mitigate individually.”