This project aims to sensitise the business sector and society in general to problems associated with corruption. It addresses the advantages of early identification of corruption risks, and the implementation of internal and external policies and actions to promote transparency and to fight corruption.

General objectives:

  • Develop a collective initiative in order to prevent corruption and promote transparency.
  • Promote and share values ​​of integrity, accountability and transparency.

Specific objectives:

The project aimed to reduce vulnerabilities to corruption in public procurement systems and to bridge knowledge and communication gaps between public procurement administrations and the private sector. The project promoted States’ implementation of article 9 of the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) and support private actors’ efforts to comply with the Tenth Principle of the UN Global Compact, by:

The overarching, long-term goal of this project is to improve credibility of corporate compliance programs. Achieving this will help increase public confidence and enhance credibility with investors, rating agencies, financial institutions, export credit agencies and government procurement agencies, which increasingly expect corporations to demonstrate effective compliance programs.

The project aims at designing a sound framework to avoid misuses and illegal practices, enhancing awareness in the business environment and among public institutions, promoting fair market conditions through clear and transparent procedures, and disseminating results to raise awareness on the issue.

Business Membership Organizations (BMOs) have become important players in the process of promoting transparency and fair markets. To strengthen anti-corruption initiatives in China, the project made available the expertise of German BMOs (German chambers of commerce and sectoral associations and their umbrella associations such as DIHK, BDI, etc.) and their members, in combination with the expert network of GIZ GmbH and sequa gGmbH.